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Chichuang Electronics Co., Ltd. is headquartered in Shenzhen and has subsidiaries in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Mianyang, Jiangxi and other places. It also has offices in electronic markets such as Shenzhe...
QIC · double 11Double 11 welfare is coming!If I miss it, I'll wait for next year~~Welfare 1:100 free entry places (only for original and genuine spot merchants)Welfare 2:Buy components send Jingdo...
 2021年11月4日,武汉 ——在今日举行的2021腾讯数字生态大会上,英特尔与腾讯共同宣布了一系列深化创新合作成果:双方不仅以CPU为基础,携手构建兼具高性能、大容量的存储产品和多样化数据库,并共同打造可信协同共享,加码数据安全;同时,双方还协同创新XPU微架构,推出更酷炫的云游戏。此外,英特尔亦携手腾讯深入开展全方位合作,在引领云网边技术变革的同时,以持续技术创新,助推交通、零售等多领域智能...
Recently, with the rapid development of the generative AI big model ChatGPT, it has also raised concerns about its risks. Generative AI may change the competition and working methods of enterprises, b...
With the development of automatic driving, it can be said that the technology has entered a bottleneck period. In this case, major automobile manufacturers have turned their eyes to the eye of automat...
Qualcomm Technologies and Meta announced a partnership to optimize the execution of the Meta Llama 3 Language Model (LLM) directly on smartphones, PCs, VR/AR headsets, and automotive terminals. Runnin...
In April, spring is full of vitality, and all things are reviving, with a hundred flowers competing for beauty. With the arrival of the warm spring season, the trend of outdoor tourism is gradually he...
最近,随着生成式AI大模型ChatGPT的迅速发展,也引发了人们对于其风险的担忧。生成式AI可能会改变企业的竞争和工作方式,但它也带来了传统控制无法解决的新风险。特别是与基于云的托管生成人工智能应用程序相关的风险非常显著且正在迅速发展。在这样的背景下,一个新词“AI TRiSM”开始出现在大众的视野。什么是AI TRiSM?AI TRiSM代表人工智能(AI)信任、风险和安全管理。它是Gartne...
自动驾驶发展的如今,在技术方面可以说目前已经进入了一个瓶颈期,在这种情况下,各大汽车厂商纷纷将视角转向了自动驾驶之眼——传感器,尤其是今年还被称为激光雷达元年,可见传感器如今在自动驾驶中的特殊地位,那么自动驾驶汽车究竟需要怎与的传感器呢?01 自动驾驶汽车所需要的传感器想要知道自动驾驶汽车所需要怎样的传感器,首先就得弄清楚它需要哪些传感器,而想要弄清楚它需要哪些传感器,我们第一步就得先知道自动驾驶...
高通技术公司和Meta宣布合作,以优化Meta Llama 3大语言模型(LLM)直接在智能手机、PC、VR/AR头显和汽车等终端上的执行。在终端侧运行Llama 3具有显著优势,包括出色的响应能力、增强的隐私性和可靠性,以及为用户带来更加个性化的体验。高通技术公司高级副总裁兼技术规划和边缘解决方案业务总经理马德嘉表示:“我们赞赏Meta针对Meta Llama 3的开放策略,高通和Meta都致力...
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